近期赛果 1:2BLUEJAYS 2:0NuTorious 2:0SUPER EVIL GANG 2:0MakersMeetYou 0:1regain 0:2Immigrants peek 0:1Infamous 0:1MASSIVEimpact 1:0Party Astronauts 0:1The Fundamentals 0:1Mythic 0:1Denial
近六个月地图胜率场数胜率胜率场数 475%dust2-0 650%mirage-0 0-inferno-0 1258%nuke-0 0-overpass-0 20%vertigo-0 540%ancient-0 728%anubis-0
双方近期交手 ESEA MDL 赛季 30 北美赛区Mythic1 : 0Forty Six and 2BO1 ESEA MDL 赛季 29 北美赛区Forty Six and 20 : 1MythicBO1 ESEA MDL 赛季 29 北美赛区Mythic0 : 0Forty Six and 2BO1 ESEA MDL 赛季 28 北美赛区Forty Six and 20 : 1MythicBO1