近期赛果 0:2DGG 2:11620 Kings 0:2Order 0:2Aftershock 1:01620 Kings 1:0Ex-FURY 2:1Encore 2:0DGG 2:1Encore 2:1Encore 1:0Nut-E 1:2Imperial
近六个月地图胜率场数胜率胜率场数 0-dust2-0 0-mirage-0 0-inferno-0 0-nuke-0 0-overpass-0 0-vertigo-0 0-ancient-0 0-anubis-0
双方近期交手 ESL ANZ Champs 赛季 14Order2 : 0ParadoxBO3 wonvertigo1611 wonnuke168 The Insanely Awesome CS:GO TournamentOrder3 : 1ParadoxBO5 wonmirage1016 wondust21612 wonoverpass1611 wonnuke167 The Insanely Awesome CS:GO TournamentOrder1 : 2ParadoxBO3 wondust2616 wonmirage1613 wonnuke1416 ESEA 赛季 39: Premier Division - 澳大利亚Paradox0 : 2OrderBO3 wonvertigo816 wondust21619 ESEA 赛季 38: Premier Division - 澳大利亚Paradox0 : 1OrderBO3