近期赛果 1:2Avulus 2:1Level Up 0:2OG 2:0Infinity 1:2Infinity 1:2Natus Vincere 2:1Zero Tenacity 2:3Zero Tenacity 2:1Night Pulse 2:0Quantum 2:0Team Türkiye 2:0Zero Tenacity
双方近期交手 DPC WEU 2023 Tour 3: Division IIAlliance1 : 2Into the BreachBO3 DPC WEU 2023 Tour 2: Division IIAlliance2 : 1Into the BreachBO3 BetBoom Universe: Episode I - Comics ZoneInto the Breach0 : 2AllianceBO3 DPC WEU 2021/2022 Tour 2: Division IIAlliance2 : 0Into the BreachBO3